Developing countries supply more than half of raw leather stocks forvarious industries including fashion. Here at Econock we found this to bean inflicting problem and chose to find the solution in our way bystepping forward with upcycling leather. All the leather accessories aresourced from industrial wastes and are further fine-tuned to make ourproducts. Eliminating the production of fresh leather.

Every year the fashion industry seeks to discard fabrics of various sizesand textures. These fabrics are neither recycled nor utilized in any wayand end up in landfills in huge amounts. We combine the fabrics usingmachine embroidery to deliver luxurious high functional utilities for ourconsumers.

We aim toward leaving no strand of thread behind. Like fabrics, eventhreads play a major role in the fashion industry, but unfortunately, thesethreads have no future whatsoever. They spend the rest of their lives in thecorners of industries or end up in landfills causing land pollution andfurther contaminating the water bodies eventually. Our designers find acreative knack to design accessories using these single strands of threads.
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